Camp BUCKO is a registered charity supporting the young BURN SURVIVORS of Ontario who are between the ages of 7 and 17.

Camp provides our campers with an opportunity to come together in a supportive, fun-filled environment and learn there is more to who they are than just their scars. Horseback riding, swimming, sailing, archery, high ropes, rock wall climbing, fishing, bike riding along with arts and crafts are a few of the activities we offer to our amazing campers.

There is no cost to the families for their child to participate in the Camp BUCKO program. Camp BUCKO is able to offer this amazing opportunity to our Burn Survivors as a result of the generous
donations and fundraising efforts by wonderful individuals, businesses and organizations.

For more information on Camp BUCKO, please visit our website at

Thank You so very much for your support!

467 Auto Salon’s Commitment:

Every year 467 Auto Salon will donate $1000.00 to Camp BUCKO which sends a child to Camp.

If you would like to donate to this amazing cause, please click on the following link:

Camp BUCKO Donation Link